Deuteronomy 3:15

וּלְמָכִ֖יר נָתַ֥תִּי אֶת־הַגִּלְעָֽד׃

And to Makhir, I gave the Gilʿad.



  1. וּלְמָכִ֖יר (u-leMakhir) – Root: מכר (mkr); Form: Conjunction + preposition + proper noun, masculine singular; Translation: “And to Makhir”; Notes: Makhir was the son of Menashshe, whose descendants settled in the Gilʿad.
  2. נָתַ֥תִּי (natatti) – Root: נתן (ntn); Form: Qal perfect 1st person singular; Translation: “I gave”; Notes: Indicates YHWH as the speaker granting the land.
  3. אֶת־ (et) – Root: Not applicable; Form: Direct object marker; Translation: Untranslatable in English; Notes: Marks “the Gilʿad” as the direct object.
  4. הַגִּלְעָֽד׃ (haGilʿad) – Root: גלעד (glʿd); Form: Proper noun with definite article; Translation: “the Gilʿad”; Notes: Refers to the region east of the Yarden, known for its rugged terrain.


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